Maritza Bruce

(650) 425-6264

I have over 20 years of law experience. I started my law career in real estate law. After several years in real estate, It was time to switch gears. I have been solely focused on Family Law for 11 years. It is my passion helping our clients navigate through such critical and life-changing events. I lead our clients with compassion and understanding.

During my non-desk days. I enjoy hiking, jogging, yoga, and spending as much time with teenagers before they have their own busy lives.

Compassionate Counsel

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When you have a legal problem, you need someone who will provide you guidance for the next steps.

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Szeto-Wong Law is committed to answering your questions about Civil Rights, Employment Law, and Family Law issues in the Bay Area and Southern California. We'll gladly discuss your case with today. Contact us to schedule an appointment for today.
