Anahi Romero

(650) 425-6264

Anahi Romero is the Legal Assistant at Szeto-Wong Law. Anahi has a diverse background in office administration, bookkeeping, and a legal clerk in the Criminal and Family Law division. She has studied Administration of Justice at De Anza College. Growing up she always knew she wanted to be a part of a team that helps others through their difficult times, whether it was divorces, custody and visitations, or any other difficult situation someone may be facing.

Prior to joining Szeto-Wong Law firm, Anahi was employed with the Superior Court of California County of Santa Clara and Superior Court of California County of San Benito as a clerk which is where her love grew for the legal field. Although she enjoyed her time as a Family Law clerk for the courts, she decided to pursue a career where she can work closer with clients. Having gone through similar situations, her life and work experiences have allowed her to develop strong interpersonal skills and inspired her desire to help and support those who feel unheard, forgotten, and just needing that extra support during difficult times, providing the guidance and support they deserve.

While away from the office, Anahi is a dedicated mother of four. She loves to spend time with her children, family, and friends, and try new foods.

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